The teaching ministry of Rev. Melvin McAfee is dedicated to leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthening the local church.
This Ministry offers guidance, support, and strive to give people hope. We believe that people must learn and share the word of God. The Ministry begins with you...
The world of WORD. Working On Refining Disciples wants you to know; it not about us but about Jesus Christ. We want you to know that He is there for you and we are folks that He used to feed you with His love.
A soft word spoken can unbreak an heart. The soft word that have feeling of "I'm here to help you. Tears may be pouring down your face and another voice, not so gentle, says you done had it. Advice don't listen to that voice that says you done had but turn to God knowing it's just a test you are going through.
Soft word spoken, I like it Jesus, because I know that is you talking to me.